Why I Started My Single Mom Blog
The No Drama Single Mama, single mom lifestyle blog was born for one specific reason:
I Have a Million Questions
The day I found out I was pregnant, I had a million questions.
The day I realized I’d need to make a decision in terms of my pregnancy, I had a million questions.
The day I made my decision, I had a million questions.
The day I realized I was going to be a single parent, the day I found out I was having a daughter, and every day after that up until delivery, you guessed it… I had a million questions.
Then Sasha was born, and immediately, I had a million more.
So what did I do?
I googled, I joined Facebook groups, I asked friends.
Luckily, I have to have a few friends who may have had some answers. However, I was the first out of my close group of friends to become a mom. I searched everywhere for a blog that was written by someone like me. Someone who was a single mom from day one, someone my age, someone who may not know me and wouldn’t judge me… There wasn’t anything I could find that was specific to my situation.
The idea popped into my head to write out my questions and keep track of them (not every single one, because that would be a very long list.) I realized that one day it may benefit someone to read the answers to my questions. They may find themselves in my shoes and could have the same ones.
The No Drama Single Mama Was Born
So I guess the idea for this blog, The No Drama Single Mama, is just that…
I can be a friend who may have been through what you’ve been through.
I can’t promise you will have no drama in your life… but you won’t have any drama from me!
And who am I? I’m Jessica. I’m 27 years old and single. I have a beautiful baby girl who is my entire world. I did this on my own, with an amazing support system. I’m here to tell you that you can too! I’m a mama whose entire world is being a mama. However, I think it’s important to keep living my own life too.
I promise you I will try to answer the questions I had. I’ll tell you the utmost personal things I thought and the shit I went through. Most importantly, I’ll be a tiny part of your support system. But, I must warn you, I am NOT an expert. Sasha is my first kiddo, I have no medical experience, and I really might have no clue what I’m doing.
Still interested? Stick around. I might share something that helps you figure out part of your journey.